Climbing Mt Elbrus in Caucasus, Russia for Swim Across America/Making Waves to Fight Cancer

saa at 17600ft on elbrus

In August 2012 my friend Dave and I teamed up and joined forces to climb Mt. Elbrus in the Caucasus Range of Russia near the border with Georgia. Our guiding company was Mountain Professionals, run by veteran Arctic and Antarctic and Everest summitteer Ryan Waters who recently become the last person (with Erik Larsen) to ski unsupported to the North Pole.  Dave and I put together a donation pledge page under the auspices of Swim Across America or our families and friends to support our climb, and all proceeds went directly to SAA/Making Waves To Fight Cancer.  Cancer affects us all collectively and individually, and no effort must be spared to eradicate this dreaded disease for the sake of our children and grandchildren. Dave and I are deeply grateful for the support given to this excellent cause. Our local Swim Across America division supports direct cancer care for those who can’t afford it, pediatric cancer treatment, cancer education  and awareness, and funds transformational cancer treatment research being conducted at our NYC greater metropolitan area teaching hospitals and in area universities.  May the Force be with the fine researchers and physicians towards a cure.

The following video offer many glimpses into the amazing experience on every level.. from visiting the point at which the German Army was turned back from Moscow, to Moscow’s Gulag Prison Museum, to strolling on Red Square, seeing Lenin’s body, sojourning to the border with Georgia and then of course, the climb itself!  Our itinerary had no less than four summit opportunities, because the last thing you want to have happen is go all the way there with only one summit shot. As circumstance would direct however, three of our summit opportunities proved untenable due to capricious (and deadly) weather; the fourth shot started out with promise, but it too proved impossible due to blinding blizzard, ferocious wind and deadly cold. (One member of another climbing team in fact succumbed to the cold that day). Our guides Dave and Oksana were mindful of the risks involved, and Dave called off the climb after our friend and climbing partner Rolf and I had turned back with Oksana.  But what an incredible alpine experience, one which I shall never forget.. And, we remain deeply grateful to our family and friends for their support of Swim Across America!

I hope you enjoy the video !


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